Cornerstone Traveler

Writing in New Patlz


CT-253 JAN. 20 ‘15

A big hello to all of my readers of this exciting and thought provoking issue of my
bi-weekly newsletter, The CORNERSTONE TRAVELER. Also available online at

To my online readers of this newsletter. It is a week late because some dip weed infected my P.C. with malware and I couldn’t load this newsletter to the web.

mid-Hudson Valley news: I have noticed that the Wallkill River is higher than it should be at this time of year. And I have to wonder what the flooding of the flats in New Paltz will be like in the spring.
The flooding of the flats can be nasty if not terrible. But seeing the river now, I have to wonder of the river if this will be a heavy winter with snow what the flats would be like when the accumulated snow melts. I would be bad considering the Wallkill river now.

observations: I read in Astronomy magazine that the New Horizon spacecraft will be nearing Pluto after a 9 ½ years journey traveling at 35,800 mph. It whipped by the moon in 9 hours, 10 times faster than the Apollo missions. The New Horizon will be doing an in depth study of Pluto and it’s four moons. The New Horizon launch was on January 17, 2006 and it will complete it’s 3.122 billion mile mission in July of this year when it will culminate its study of Pluto. Is Pluto a planet? Who cares.
I also read in Astronomy magazine that our galaxy, The Milky Way, produces about ten new suns (stars) a year. Where a giant global cluster produce about 700 stars a year.
Something to think about.
One cold morning I was lying in bed listening to my oil furnace startup. And I started to wonder about the oil that was being burned in my furnace.
I know that the water and carbon compounds started their molecular transformation into oil about 75,000 years ago. That is the time interval Geologists have estimated it takes for water and carbon to form hydro-carbon. In other words the hydro-carbons started their transformation on the earths surface 50,000 years before the last ice age. Kinda makes you wonder about time and what can happen to water and carbon in that period of time.

sports: As everyone knows, Rex Ryan is out as the head coach of the Jets. But it didn’t take long before he was hired by the Bills. The Bills beat the Jets twice this past season. What will happen with Ryan as the Bills head coach?
The Knicks are in last place in the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference. With a record of 6-36 and 21 ½ games back.
The Nets are in 3rd place in the same division of the same conference with a record of 17-24 and 10 games back.
The Islanders are still in first place of the Metropolitan Division of the Eastern Conference in the NHL. While the Rangers are in 3rd place with a record of 26-13-4 and are 7 points back.
Spring training for the MLB starts in about a month. Go YANKEES and METS!

other: As will all previous issues of this newsletter, everything printed here is either copyright protected or copyright pending.
The history of P&G’s follows this newsletter from about the mid 1930’s to almost the present.
And following this history is a short story that appears in my book of short stories, The COSMIC WHISPERER, call Michael: Seer of the Truth. I hope you like it.
Thank-you – Rik McGuire

History of P&G’s continued to the present

From 1925 – 1945 a number of diverse businesses occupied the building. These included Carols Clothing Store, Atkins Drug Store, Schaffert Real Estate Office, Marie Shop and Dicks Bar and Grill among others.
In 1947 Dicks Bar and Grill was purchased by two Lake Mohonk employees, Pat Cafferty and George Jayne. Legend has it that neither told their wives of their intention to purchase the business. They immediately changed the Grills name to Pat and Georges. Among it’s loyal customers it was simply P&G’s.
One of the best things to happen to P&G’s occurred in 1961. An ex Dodger player named Stormer Nickerson became a bartender. Stormy as he was affectionately known became something of a legend. His heart, quiet good humor and generous spirit made P&G’s the one place that welcomed all from the harsher outside world into a refuge for college students, business people, local characters and even for a while, in the 1960’s, bikers. According to one source. “They weren’t as rowdy a crew as you might expect because although he was quiet, Stormy commanded and got respect.” His professional baseball background made him a natural to pitch batting practice for the New Paltz College teams and he did so for a number of seasons. One college fraternity considered P&G’s their private domain. The scene of everything important, news, views, camaraderie and especially humor was always evident at P&G’s.
After the St. Helens volcano erupted and news reports discussed the possibility of ash fall out across the U.S., Stormy came to work to find the staff dressed in garbage bags and metal kitchen colanders on their heads. Since no ash was reported on anyone, Stormy reasoned the
attire had been affective by making everyone laugh their ash off.
In June 1991, after 30 years, Stormy retired from P&G’s. He died in June of 1994. From his casual humor that lingers, to his Chile recipe that is still served and the kind memories often repeated by his many friends, Stormy is still here.
In 1969 Edwin Beck bought P&G’s. His first weekend as owner was completely successful. The following weekend, however, the place was deserted. A disheartened Beck couldn’t understand what he had done to alienate everyone so quickly. He was relieved to learn it was simply a matter of poor timing. Everyone was away and wallowing in a farm in Bethel NY. A music festival or something.
Ed Beck never spent time worrying. He looked across Main Street and up Platekill Avenue, seeing thousands of thirsty college students who, for the most part remained on campus. Taking a good supply of liquid refreshment, Beck went to the campus and gave the students (all legal in those days) a new place to call home. He transformed P&G’s from a neighborhood bar into a local institution.
The face of Beck’s personality had much to do with the continued success of P&G’s, the place was fun. One oft quoted story about Beck concerns a young P&G’s enthusiast who wanted to be just like Beck when he grew up. It is reported that Beck in all humility replied. “Well you can’t do both.”
The name Pat and Georges was officially changed to P&G’s in the 1980’s by Ed Beck and his son Mike. In 1985, Mike bought out his fathers interest. In 1994, he undertook extensive renovations, making the building exterior appear as it did in 1900, when it was the Casino.


When did this man, the seer, first appear before the masses? I am not even certain of the exact date. I am Trent Davis, a freelance investigative reporter with major newspapers, and I should know more then I am writing or will write. I did learn that Michael Allen was born and raised in central Montana, graduated from the local high school and graduated from the State University of New York at New Paltz. I have been closely associated with Michael for the past two years, but he is not very forthcoming about his past. When I ask a direct question of his past, he only smiles and says that I and all will learn everything when he is dead and gone. Granted, we all know we are going to die sometime in the future, but Michael always gave the impression that he knows the exact time and place of his death.
He insists, that contrary to popular myth, he is not a prophet. He just says that he can see evil as it exists in our world. And it is this evil that will try and destroy him and his thoughts.
To quote one of his most famous statements: “I do not know God. No mortal being can know God, contrary to what some popular televangelists claim.” He only claims that after near death from a climbing accident that left him in a coma for three months, he can now see into the soul or mind of a person.
“How?” Everyone asks.
“Through the persons eyes.” He replies casually. He demonstrated this ability when a highly publicized murder case was reported by the media. Michael claimed he could see in the accused mans eyes that he was not the murderer. The trial jury amazingly enough agreed with Michael, though they did not hear his statements because they were sequestered. The man was found to be innocent. One year later the police did arrest a man for the same murder and he was
found guilty by a jury of his peers. When the verdict was read by the national media, Michael only nodded and said. “Yes. He is the one.”
“How?” Everyone asked. “Do you know?”
“Through his eyes.” Michael smiled. “Just as before.”

He is amazing. Michael Allen is truly amazing. I should know. I have tried to be there every time he speaks. Everyone says the same thing to me about my fascination with this man, the seer. “How can you know? You are but a young lady, Lisa.” But I do know. I see the kindness in his eyes and in the words he speaks. Though, I am fearful for him. He speaks of evil people in this world who think nothing of destroying life in our world to further their ego and greed. I fear that these same people he speaks of, will think nothing of killing Michael, if they think he thwarts their evil plans.
I have written countless letters to Michael telling him of my fears that someone will try to kill him. I always get a kind letter in return, thanking me for my concerns, but not to be worried. He insists that it is more important that his thoughts survive.
“I don’t care what the people think of this Michael.” Carl thundered to the
men at the conference table, pounding his fist as he roared at his timid associates. “I only know he has to be stopped and permanently.”
A man at the far end of the table stood and asked. “Are you suggesting that this man, Michael, should be killed? What of the reaction of the masses that follow him?”
“We can control them.” Carl thundered. “We cannot control Michael and this bothers
me.” He looked to his left and asked. “Are we ready Leonard?”
“Yes Carl.” Leonard said, rising from his seat. “There is a planned rally for him in Boston, Massachusetts on June 6 and I have hired a sniper to kill him as he speaks. His death should end the mindless speculation that he is a seer of any importance.”
“NO IMPORTANCE!” Carl roared again. “I went to school to study religion and God. Who is he to say he knows more than me?”

“You should fear your death.” His inner self said as he reclined back onto his favorite chair. “You may not be afraid to die, but you should be. You are after all only human and not the prophet, that everyone thinks you are.”
“I am not a prophet!” Michael thought to himself. “I am, but a man who sees everything differently.”
“Are you willing to accept death so cavalierly?” His inner self asked.
“I must. I must, if I am able to get my thoughts and beliefs to others.” He insisted, but inwardly afraid of the future.
“Beware of Boston.” His inner voice insisted.
“Boston is tomorrow.” He said aloud.

Michael was talking to himself when I entered the room. It was obvious that he was tense and I asked if he was okay. He said that he was fine, just a little worried about the next day.
“You will do fine, Michael.” I assured.
“But what of the reports of an attempt on my life?” He asked.
I explained how a security firm was hired for his protection.
“I’m not worried about my life, Trent.” He insisted. “I haven’t reached enough people to get the message across. I still have a great deal of work to do.”
“You will be and do fine tomorrow and many years to come.” I insisted.
“I hope so. I really can’t fail.” He said, shaking his head.

I got to the Boston Common, where Michael was to give his talk two hours before he his scheduled talk at twelve noon. I wanted to be assured of a good seat. The whole event was very well organized. There were snack and drink booths surrounding the field along with portable restrooms.
He had been talking for about an hour and he had everyone in a near trance. For many there were tears in our eyes from the words he spoke. Most of the tears came from the women,
but I saw several men around me with tears in their eyes.
The last words he spoke, before that horrible sound of the bullet striking him down are
indelibly etched in my mind.
“I fear there are evil people out there who fear the words I speak and the emotions that I rise in those who listen to my words. They will stop at nothing to silence me. I only ask that you
remember my words and try to instill in others, my thoughts.”
He had just finished this thought, when I heard the explosion and immediately saw blood
burst from his chest. I saw him grab his bloody chest, smile and fall forward. It appeared to me
that he smiled at the person who shot him.
I screamed in shock and anger. I am still angry, five days after this terrible event. He spoke the truth and there are powerful people afraid of the truth he spoke.

I was standing right behind Michael when that fatal bullet struck him down. I was shocked. Even as I raced to his fallen body, I could not believe anyone would intentionally kill, murder such wonderful and compassionate man. He had more to say, much more about the truth. I raced over to his fallen body and as I reached down to cradle his head, his last words were. “Trent, it is not over. There will be others to speak the truth.” He said this in a hoarse and rasping whisper. I could see that every word he spoke, was painful. Then he smiled and closed his eyes repeating. ”It’s not over. It’s not over.”
I believed his words. It’s not over. There will be others. But who?
He looked down on his splattered chest and thought. “Is this the way it will end?”
His inner voice explained. “Yes. This is your end.”
He thought to himself. “But I have not completed my work. It can’t end like this. It can’t.”
His inner voice said. “Yes. It must end like this to further your thoughts of the truth.”
He thought to himself. “Then I am to die.”
His inner voice responded. “Yes. You will die, but your thoughts of the truth will not die. There will be others who will share your thoughts to others and therefore you will never truly die.”
Michael thought to himself with his last breath. “I can accept this.”

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