Cornerstone Traveler

Writing in New Patlz


CT-206                         CORNERSTONE TRAVELER     APRIL 2 ‘13


Hi y’all and welcome to another exciting and thought provoking issue of this bi-weekly newsletter, The CORNERSTONE TRAVELER.

This newsletter is available free of charge at P&G’s and also available on the web at a web site setup by my son, Justin.

mid-Hudson Valleynews:  Because of a few devastating storms these past two years, both tropical and blizzard, the bridge over the Necversink River has to be replaced.  While the engineers for the new bridge were examining the site for this new bridge, many native artifacts were found.  Now there is going to be an archeologic dig at this site probably by the New York Archaeological Society and I am trying to get a spot on this Archaeological dig, as a volunteer, of course.

If you know me, you would know I am fascinated with archeology and have been since I was about nine years old when I found a fossil of a fish in a sandstone outcropping near my home here in New Paltz.  I am a member of the mid-Hudson Chapter of the New York Archaeological Society and have been for several months.

There is a new franchise restaurant opening this Monday in Poughkeepsie called the Old Bunny Café.  All meals served there will be rabbit.  This franchise started in Las Vegas.  They probably have Elmer Fudd hunting the rabbits”Be vewy vewy quiet, I am hunting wabbits.”

The Old Bunny Café claims that rabbit is the other dark meat and it is much lower in fat and cholesterol than beef and chicken.

my political commentary:

I have been forcing my self to watch Fox news (which is an oxymoron) more specifically O’Reilly and Hannity.  After watching it wasn’t long before I decided the parents of O’Reilly and Hannity never taught them good manners. I.e. It is impolite and rude to interrupt a person who is talking.  This is especially evident when the person talking is of a different opinion.  I can’t help to yell at the television for them to shut the f.. . up and stop being inconsiderate a…holes.  I remember watching William F. Buckley debate a liberal and noticed he always allowed his opponent to finish before he spoke up.

I was always amazed at the way Buckley thought even if he was a conservative and me being a liberal.  He always had very well thought out statements.  Unlike Limbaugh who will make the most disturbing statement on his EIB radio network (Enema In Broadcasting).

I remember one day a caller asked him about abortion.  He said he could stop abortion if the only method used was a gunshot to the woman’s womb.  I immediately thought that if Limbaugh ever had constipation, a Bushmaster .223 with a multi shot magazine would clear up his constipation and maybe even colon cancer.

That’s my political commentary for this newsletter.



The Knicks are looking good for the post season.  They slam dunked the Celtics 100-85 and in Boston.  The Nets are in the post season, but I can’t guess how far they will go.  They can be hot and cold.

The Rangers are fighting the Islanders for a shot in th NHL post season.  It could very well come down to the last games of the regular season.

MLB opening day in New York.  The Yankees lost to Boston 8 -2 .  The Mets beat the Padres 11-2 .


As with all previous issues of this newsletter, everything printed here is either copyright protected or copyright pending.  The history of P&G’s follows this newsletter.  It is from the year 1900, when the building was first constructed to about the 1930’s

Following this history is the second part of the short story called the WOLF PACK.   I combined the many parts of this short story to make it into two parts.   I hope you like it.

Thank-you  – Rik McGuire

                                                                            The History of P&G’s from the Beginning


Travel back more than a century to the spring of 1900 as builder John H. Hasbrouck and his men construct a 50′ by 28′ building on the site of the current P&G’s Restaurant.  Look around and begin to imagine.

The first floor features a fountain with water softly falling into a cobblestone basin.  The exotic effect is enhanced with darting goldfish and blooming water lilies.  Palms set liberally throughout the room, provide an air of privacy for those seated at the groups of small tables.  Patrons, dressed in their finest, sit chatting, sometimes courting and enjoying the establishments fine refreshments.

The upper story is a promenade, opened to a full view of sunset over the Shawangunk Mountains.  Live music gently eases you from afternoon into evening.  Welcome to the ambiance and hospitality of the Casino.

The Casino’s owner, Mr Steen, had correctly envisioned the areas many tourists, summer boarders and trolley passengers stopping to enjoy the unique features of his establishment.  The terminal station for the trolley line from Highland is located just across Main Street.  It is said that Steen patterned the Casino after the famous Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs.

On June 1, 1900 the Casino was officially opened.  That evening “a large number of people enjoyed the ice cream, music and the lovely mountains views.”  according to the New Paltz Independent newspaper.  Music was provided by a band which included a piano and several other instruments.  The Casino soon became famous for Saturday night dances held on the second floor of the open pavilion.  It was decorated with flowers and vines suspended from the rafters.  The crowds were so large that special late trolley cars were run to accommodate the guests and take the orchestra back to Poughkeepsie.

The electric power shut down at midnight. According to Independent writer Delia Shaw “…the time of closing and the departure of the last trolley (run by electricity) had to be reckoned with, but as was often the case, several folks ‘Missed the Last Trolley’… seems between intermissions the  fellows would walk their girls down the street where numerous straw thatched summer houses were located on the banks of the Wallkill River and they were so preoccupied with making love by the light of the silvery moon that they forgot everything.”  Shaw continued.  “Saturday Nights In New Paltz Became A Legend!  There was not a single hitching post available, nor an inch of space under any of the sheds of the five local hotels.  The Casino drew people from surrounding towns and they came via hay loads and 4 seated carriages, while some men even walked and carried their dancing shoes.  ‘Little Larry,’ the shoeshine fellow, did a landslide business on Sat. Nights!  As did all the merchants and the stores open ‘til 9 p.m.”

By 1921 the Casino had changed hands and names, becoming the Blue Crane Inn.  Ads of the era read.

The big Night at the Blue Crane In

Dancing Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening

In the Chinese Hall-Good Jazzy Music.

The cornerstone of nightlife in New Paltz continued to thrive.

In 1925, after 28 Years of service, the Highland to New Paltz trolley company folded.  The demise of the trolley business and the affordability of the automobile meant peoples outings were no longer confined to the trolley’s narrow corridor.  They could drive to any village hotel, restaurant, or scenic spot that caught their fancy.  Indeed, New Paltz and the Blue Crane Inn lost their captive audience.  The Inn, however, continued to accommodate people well into the 1930’s.  Other establishments came and went until 1947 when it became Pat and Georges and ultimately was nicknamed the P&G’s that welcomes everybody.

                                                             The PACK – ANOTHER TREMOR in the BALANCE

When Max and Vincent arrived at the lair almost breathless and were met by the entire pack who greeted them heartedly and with howls in the night.

They went immediately to the Alpha Queens liar and saw that she had died peacefully, probably in her sleep.

Both Max and Vincent bowed respectfully as they backed slowly out of her lair.  They went to the main cavern of the packs lair and saw all of the pack waiting patiently.

Vincent growled first.  “We must prepare the Alpha Queens place for her final rest Lair.  And it must be prepared exactly as the Alpha Queen would have preferred.”

All the wolves in the cavern howled with anticipation when one lone wolf stood and asked.  “Shouldn’t we choose a new Alpha leader?”

Max shook his head and growled lowly.  “Not until the Alpha Queen is laid down peacefully.  Then we will decide.”

The Alpha Queen’s final resting place was prepared with soft grasses, soft branch boughs and hundreds of flowers.  They brought her body to the final resting lair on a special hide blanket that had been used for hundreds of years.  When all were pleased that she was at peace with her final rest, all the wolves let out a low, mournful howl that could not be heard outside of the packs lair.  It was a funeral dirge with howls.

The next day a meeting was held to decide who the next Alpha Leader would be.  There was much debate and arguing on who best to lead their pack.  When Max and Vincent padded in, they turned to each other and smiled.  They both knew they were the oldest of the pack and therefore had more experience. But they knew it would be a debate on who to lead the pack, Max or Vincent.  They


didn’t really care because they knew if one of them was chosen the other  would be a close advisor.

As it turned out there was an almost even split on who was to be chosen as the Alpha Leader.  Max or Vincent. They both had loyal followers though neither wanted followers of any kind.  They only wanted what was best for the pack and for the balance in the world.  They both stressed this during the over two hour debate on who should be the Alpha Leader

Finally Max and Vincent turned to each other and spoke lowly to each other. They both nodded in agreement, Max stood up on all fours and growled for attention.

After a few minutes it was quiet in the cavern, Max spoke with authority.  “Both Vincent and myself agree that the neither of us should be the pack leader.”  He waited for the growls of disappointment to die down and continued.  “We agreed to this because there are no other shape shifters in this pack and we all know the need for shape shifters to keep balance in the world.  Therefore as the Alpha Leaders we would not be able to be Alpha Leaders and do the job that is needed as shape shifters.  We agree this new Alpha Leader should be well experienced in life, but not too old that he or she would not live as long as is necessary to be a good Alpha Leader.

The chosen one should be near as old as Vincent and myself, but not too much older or too much younger.  Vincent and I will let you decide and when you have decided we will voice our approval or disapproval.”

Max and Vincent padded out of the cavern so their presence would have no influence on the final decision.  When they stopped a hundred feet from the cavern, Vincent turned to Max.  “Who should we hope to be the next Alpha Leader?”

Max thought before answering.  “I think the new Alpha Leader should be Von Herrick.


He has the experience in years, but not so experienced that he will not listen to advise.”

“Agreed.”  Vincent said

And they waited.

The wait was not long before a relatively young wolf, Alfred, came out of the cavern and said the new Alpha Leader had been chosen.

They asked who it was that was picked to be the Alpha leader.

“Von Herrick.”  Alfred growled proudly.

Max and Vincent nodded.  “Your choice was good, very good.”  They trotted into the cavern behind Alfred and were greeted by approving howls.

Max and Vincent went immediately to Von Herrick to give their congratulatory approval.

Von Herrick was still stunned by his selection and asked.  “Can I count on the two of you to help me lead this pack?  Much like you helped the Alpha Queen?”

Vincent nodded.  “Of course, as long as you listen to our advise and not dismiss it without thought.”  When von Herrick growled agreement, Vincent said.  “We will always be here to aid you.”

“Good.”  Von Herrick growled.  “Because I feel a slight tremor in the balance.  I believe I have been feeling this tremor for some time. And I hope the two of you can help me find the source of this tremor.”

Both Max and Vincent nodded.  “We have also felt this tremor in the balance.  At first we  were unsure of where this imbalance originated because we thought the balance would be back

when the allies defeated the madman and his army and when he committed suicide with his wife.  Now it is almost impossible to tell where the imbalance is because it is spread from all over the



“We must do something to correct this imbalance.  Can I count on the two of you for your help?” Von Herrick asked.

“Count on us!”  Max and Vincent growled.

“What should we do about this tremor in the balance?”  Von Herrick asked.

Max and Vincent turned to each other and spoke so lowly that Von Herrick could not hear what was being discussed.

Finally Vincent turned to the new Alpha Leader and said.  “Max and I will go out into the country as our natural selves and try to detect the direction of the tremor in the balance.  We will then return to the lair and report our findings to you.  Then we will discuss the best way to confront this tremor with your approval of course.”

Von Herrick nodded.  “Of course.”

Max spoke up, growled.  “We might be gone for a long time.  Can you handle our absence?  For a long time?”

“I’ll do my best.”  The Alpha Leader promised.

“Good.”  Vincent said.  “Remember to send out regular patrols into the forest to maintain the tenuous balance in the new Germany.  There will be factions that will try and wrest control from the chosen leaders.  Make certain that the patrols report on this and the action you take will be solely your decision.  But think long and hard before you make any decision.  Remember how

the late Alpha Queen ruled and follow her example.”

“I’ll do my best.”  Von Herrick said.


The next morning, after a good nights sleep and a hearty morning meal, Max and Vincent ran into the surrounding forest with the intention of following the tremor in the balance.  They felt it from several distinct directions.  The strongest from the north east and another from the east.  They figured correctly that the tremor from the east was due to the war still being waged.  That tremor bothered them because they knew it was too far away for them to do anything about, yet they were still concerned. In their three hundred years, they still couldn’t understand why the human animal had to resort to war and death to resolve conflicts.

There was a very slight tremor from the west.  They knew that tremor was not strong enough to be of any concern.  So they just concentrated on the strong tremor to the north east.

They spent most of their time as their natural selves in the forest of Europe until they were so tired that they shape shifted to their human form, stole clothes, money and took the train transport to the newly formed Soviet Union.  As they drew closer and closer to the heart of the Soviet Union they intuitively knew where the tremor originated and stayed attuned to the tremor and that direction.  They found themselves in Moscow, listening to Russian voices who silently complained about the Soviet leader, Stalin.  They even heard the military complain about this leader, slowly becoming a madman.

They found a copse of trees where they could rest as their natural selves.  They could talk and sleep without fear of being disturbed at night.

Before they lapsed into sleep, Vincent said.  “This imbalance may be harder to correct

than the one in Germany.  This imbalance is so insidious as not to be noticed easily.  Yet it must be corrected.”


Max nodded.  “I agree.  But what are we to do?”

Vincent almost smiled.  “Walk, listen and observe.”

“For how long?”

“For as long as it takes to bring everything into balance.”

Max and Vincent wandered on the sidewalks, byways and alleys in the city of Moscow, observing and listening.  In their three hundred years, they had learned many languages and it only took them less than a day to learn the Russian language.  They had learned it well enough that they could speak it as a native Russian in their human essence, though they spoke little and only to order food or drink and ask for opinions on the current leadership.

They learned that Stalin, fearful of keeping his power over the Russian people, started Gulag prisons in the frigid north to keep dissidents in custody of the Russian government.  And they learned of the pogroms that Stalin ordered to better control the Jewish population.

When they learned of these atrocities, they both agreed that this madman, Stalin, must be stopped, brought down or eliminated.

They discussed between themselves on the best way to accomplish this task and they agreed to duplicate what they did to get into the inner sanctum of Hitler and shape shifted themselves into Rottweiler.

As Rottweiler, they were able to become the pets of the madman himself.  Stalin

ordered  his staff to treat his new found pet dogs as royalty.  Max and Vincent lived well for several years.  They were pampered with enough food, daily baths and comfortable bedding.  It was a rare


day when Stalin didn’t order his pet Rottweiler to be brought to him where he would pet and scratch them almost continually.

What Stalin didn’t know was that his pets were listening to every order he commanded and they learned of his madness each passing day.  And it was becoming worse.

“We have to find a way to stop him, this madman.”  Vincent growled to Max when they found themselves alone in the forest that bordered Stalins residence.

Max nodded.  “Yes.  But how?”

Vincent shook his head.  “I don’t know.  But the man is dangerous to the balance in the world and he must be eliminated.”

They both agreed that they could not decide on the best way to eliminate the madman.  And as it turned out they were not needed for his elimination because they were several lower level officers that thought this madman must be eliminated.  Not only for the good of Russia, but for the good of the entire world.

Stalin was found dead in his bedroom, supposedly of natural causes when in reality he was poisoned.

When Max and Vincent learned of the untimely death of Stalin they were extremely happy, but at the same time disappointed that they themselves had not brought about the demise of the Russian madman.  They both had planned on shape shifting to their werewolf selves to scare the madman enough that he would lose control of his bowels and bladder.  They were

disappointed that they could not be witness to this event.  The y knew they had to report to Von Herrick on the demise of the madman and the balance being brought back into the world.  They used


the first chance they had to escape into the forest and ran to the packs lair to report to the Alpha Leader.

When they finally arrived at the packs lair, they were met by Von Herrick who was pleased to see them after so many years of being away.

“I worried about the two of you everyday for many, many years.”  Von Herrick growled.  “I was unsure of what I would do if you failed to return.”

Max and Vincent turned to each other growled, grinned and said in wolf language.  “We can see how ell you managed the pack and lair.  We also noticed that there are few minor tremors in the balance.  So.  You have obviously been doing a very good job of keeping the balance in the world.  And it might even be better now that the madman in Russia is gone.”

Von Herrick nodded and growled.  “I’m glad you approve.”

Von Herrick looked to both Max and Vincent “I have been feeling a tremor in the balance and it seems to be getting stronger with each passing day.  Have you felt it?”

Max and Vincent looked to Von Herrick and Vincent growled.  “Yes.  We felt it also when we shape shifted into our natural selves.  We learned it was the French trying to take control of a small country in Southeast Asia called Vietnam.  The problem appears to be that there are some people in that country who are willing to let the French dominate them.  But there area many others who are not willing to be dominated by the French people.  And these people are growing in number with each passing day.”

Max continued with a growl.  “We both would like to bring an end to this tremor in the balance.  But it would take a long time to get there.  And we are unsure on how to correct this



“What are we to do?”  Von Herrick growled.

Vincent shook his wolf head and growled.  “We are unsure.  Max and I have talked about it and we are unsure what we should do, if anything.”

Max continued with a growl.  “We have thought it may be time for the human animal to start and think about their use of war, death and annihilation to solve conflicts.”

All that Von Herrick, Max and Vincent could think to do was to sit back on their haunches and think to themselves.

Von Herrick was the first to speak, growl.  “Why were we the wolves of the wild , chosen to keep the balance in the world?”

Max and Vincent looked to each other then back to Von Herrick.

Max spoke first.  “No one rally knows.  Is it because some wolf can shape shift like Vincent and myself?  Or is it because a god has chosen us to be protectors in the balance of the world?  No one knows for certain.”

Vincent nodded his grizzly face.  “Yes. It has been debated for thousands of years and no one knows why Max and I were chosen to be able to shape shift.  As Max has said it has been debated  by many for thousands of years and will most likely be debated for thousands of years more.  But we know, all of us in the pack, that the balance must be kept.  The only question before us is how


much of a tremor in the worlds balance is sufficient enough  that we all in our pack should be involved.  And how much should we allow the pack to intercede in human animal affairs?  I guess we can only allow the gods decide.”

9:30 p.m.



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