Cornerstone Traveler

Writing in New Patlz

CT -228 Newsletter by Rik McGuire The CORNERSTONE TRAVELER

CT – 228 JAN. 21 ‘14

A BIG HI to all my readers of this bi-weekly newsletter, The CORNERSTONE TRAVELER. Both here in print and online at

mid-Hudson Valley news: I have been noticing that many town, city volunteer ambulance services have signs asking for volunteers. I have seen these signs in Gardiner, Platekill, Modena, Newburgh and others. I personally responded to a sign for the Marbletown Volunteer Ambulance First Aid service, of which I am still in training with ambulance rig check. Where you check that both ambulances, rigs, are properly equipped with all the necessary medical supplies. There are essentially three sets of medical supplies. (Adult, Pediatric and Infant)
I don’t know if this need for emergency volunteers is something new or perhaps I am noticing this because I am a volunteer myself.
I can’t wait to start driver training. The ambulances are Ford E-450’s. I am looking forward to driving those big boys with all the lights flashing and the sirens and horns blasting their noise. Okay. That is the teen in me.
EMT training for me is still up in the air because I will have a problem lifting a stretcher with a 300 lb, person on it. Especially so because of my small size and I have to walk with a cane.
But with all my learned knowledge of where all the emergency medical supplies are located in the rig, I would be a good gofer.
To see the volunteer ambulance garage and building is something to see. The garage hold two E-450’s with space to hold extra supplies. Inside the lobby is a Kuerig coffee maker, a soda machine, stove, refrigerator and other necessities. Plus there is another room with soft easy chairs, a couch and a 60″ flat screen TV that I believe is capable of playing DVD’s. I suppose you need something like this to make volunteers comfortable as they wait to be called for emergencies.

observations: A retired police officer shot and killed a man in Florida movie theater over the victims texting while the movie was showing. The officers defense attorney is planning on using Floridas Stand Your Ground law as a defense of this killing. Was the polie officer afraid the man would text him to death?
I remember going to a Sunday service at the Catholic church here in New Paltz and I saw a young boy playing a hand held video game during the church service and his mother next to him was texting. Did some one in the church congregation pull out a gun and shoot them? Hell no! I did think it was rude and discourteous to be playing a video game and texting during a church service. But I would never think of pulling a gun and shooting the mother and her son. Can you Stand Your Ground in church in Florida? An interesting question don’t you think?

sports: After the Patriots lost to the Bronmcos this past Sunday, I just can’t seem to get too excited about this years Superbowl. Mainly because the Jets, Giants, Patriots or Ravens are not in it.
Basketball: The Knicks and Nets are making a comeback in the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference. The Knixcks are 5 ½ games back with a record of 15-26. The Nets are 2 ½ games back with a record of 17-22.

other: As with all previous issues of this bi-weekly newsletter, everything printed here is either copyright protected or copyright pending.
The history of P&G’s follows this newsletter with the history of P&G’s from about the mid 1930’s to almost the present.
Following this history is the second parts of my short story , Immortals, Vampires and Werewolves. I hope you like it.

Thank-you – Rik McGuire

History of P&G’s continued to the present

From 1925 – 1945 a number of diverse businesses occupied the building. These included Carols Clothing Store, Atkins Drug Store, Schaffert Real Estate Office, Marie Shop and Dicks Bar and Grill among others.
In 1947 Dicks Bar and Grill was purchased by two Lake Mohonk employees, Pat Cafferty and George Jayne. Legend has it that neither told their wives of their intention to purchase the business. They immediately changed the Grills name to Pat and Georges. Among it’s loyal customers it was simply P&G’s.
One of the best things to happen to P&G’s occurred in 1961. An ex Dodger player named Stormer Nickerson became a bartender. Stormy as he was affectionately known became something of a legend. His heart, quiet good humor and generous spirit made P&G’s the one place that welcomed all from the harsher outside world into a refuge for college students, business people, local characters and even for a while, in the 1960’s, bikers. According to one source. “They weren’t as rowdy a crew as you might expect because although he was quiet, Stormy commanded and got respect.” His professional baseball background made him a natural to pitch batting practice for the New Paltz College teams and he did so for a number of seasons. One college fraternity considered P&G’s their private domain. The scene of everything important, news, views, camaraderie and especially humor was always evident at P&G’s.
After the St. Helens volcano erupted and news reports discussed the possibility of ash fall out across the U.S., Stormy came to work to find the staff dressed in garbage bags and metal kitchen colanders on their heads. Since no ash was reported on anyone, Stormy reasoned the
attire had been affective by making everyone laugh their ash off.
In June 1991, after 30 years, Stormy retired from P&G’s. He died in June of 1994. From his casual humor that lingers, to his Chile recipe that is still served and the kind memories often repeated by his many friends, Stormy is still here.
In 1969 Edwin Beck bought P&G’s. His first weekend as owner was completely successful. The following weekend, however, the place was deserted. A disheartened Beck couldn’t understand what he had done to alienate everyone so quickly. He was relieved to learn it was simply a matter of poor timing. Everyone was away and wallowing in a farm in Bethel NY. A music festival or something.
Ed Beck never spent time worrying. He looked across Main Street and up Platekill Avenue, seeing thousands of thirsty college students who, for the most part remained on campus. Taking a good supply of liquid refreshment, Beck went to the campus and gave the students (all legal in those days) a new place to call home. He transformed P&G’s from a neighborhood bar into a local institution.
The face of Beck’s personality had much to do with the continued success of P&G’s, the place was fun. One oft quoted story about Beck concerns a young P&G’s enthusiast who wanted to be just like Beck when he grew up. It is reported that Beck in all humility replied. “Well you can’t do both.”
The name Pat and Georges was officially changed to P&G’s in the 1980’s by Ed Beck and his son Mike. In 1985, Mike bought out his fathers interest. In 1994, he undertook extensive renovations, making the building exterior appear as it did in 1900, when it was the Casino.

A new Watcher?

Connor had made his decision to become the new Watcher for the immortals by the next morning. He knew when he left the home of Trizackle, he would agree to be the new Watcher because the position intrigued him that much. The position would give him the opportunity to do some serious anthropological-archeological studies of until then were a new, unheard and unknown culture. Though he knew he could never publish his studies, it still intrigued him. Besides he was tired of pleading for grant money from universities, states and the federal
government for funds to do his research. Though he didn’t know the pay scale of a Watcher, he knew it had to be enough for him to survive comfortably and make the occasional trip to Jerusalem to store his chronicles and to study the chronicles of earlier and current Watchers.
He told Trizackle his decision and explained that he needed two maybe three weeks to finish his study of the Peoples Village and submit his research paper for review. Trizackle understood and explained that this time would give him the opportunity to find suitable living arrangements in the enclave. Until then, Connor thought to continue to live at the B&B to finish his research and finish the final writing of his research paper on his handy laptop on the balcony of his rented room. He knew he had enough funds from his grant to allow him to spend the money at the B&B.
During this three week time period he spent almost every afternoon at the café drinking iced coffee and talking to Melody. She had become attracted to him because he didn’t make subtle, snide remarks or innuendo of her sex and beauty. She became especially attracted to him when he explained he had never married because of his continuous studies throughout North
America and on occasion Central and South America. They became so attracted to each other
that they dated a few times going to the movies or local bars to flirt. She was unconcerned that he was five years older than her twenty eight years. That wasn’t a major concern.
By their third date, Connor decided to tell Melody of his intention to be the Watcher for the enclave near the Peoples Village and she naturally became curious and concerned because
she had heard her grandfather explain about those people in the secretive enclave. Her grandfather explained how those mysterious people of that enclave were most likely immortal
and were instrumental in keeping the balance between good and evil. (The evil being those vamps that fed indiscrimentally on human mortals.) She told this to Connor.
Connor could only nod then smile. “I know. Trizackle who asked me to be the new Watcher had explained all that to me before I agreed to be the new Watcher.”
Melody looked down to her drink and asked. “You know of their existence and of the blood thirsty vampires they try to control?”
“Yes I do.” Connor said.
“Aren’t you afraid of those blood thirsty vamps. That they will try and stop you from reporting their activities?”
“They don’t know I exist. The last Watcher died and they probably don’t know of me.”
“You are so sure?”
Connor couldn’t lie to her and only said. “So far there are you, me, Trizackle and maybe a few other immortals who know of my intentions. So I think I am safe. For the time being, anyway.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Little did Connor and Trizackle know was that one bad vamp used his supernatural speed and jumping ability to sneak into the enclave and hide himself in a tree by Trizackle’s home. The vamps supernatural hearing made it easy for him to hear everything that Connor and Trizackle said. He reported this to his clan of vamps one hundred miles to the west of the
Peoples Village and immortal enclave.
The oldest and head vamp of their clan nodded, understanding what was reported.
“This new Watcher? Can we control him with our presence?”
The vamp who reported to Constantin, the head vamp shook his head. “I am not sure. I do know through my internet searches that he has done research studies in some remote and dangerous places in both Central America and South America.”
“So. He doesn’t scare easily?” Constantin said.
The reporting vamp, Valkin, shook his head. “No. I don’t think he does.”
“Monitor him.” Constantin demanded.
Valkin nodded. “I will get on it right way, but first I must feed.”
Constantin waved his hand. “Feed, but go many miles from here because the local markets are starting to become concerned and suspicious of the sudden and unexpected deaths in their community because of total loss of blood. We must be careful and not let them know we exist in their community or they may go Van Helsing on us and storm our compound.”
“Could they ever find us?” Valkin asked.
“Most likely not. But I don’t want to take any chances.”
With his supernatural speed, Valkin was able to cross the border and into Canada to feed
on the first mortal he had encountered. It thrilled him when he felt and heard the final heartbeat
of the mortal he had drained.
He then sped back to the Peoples Village to monitor Connor Thomas. It didn’t take him long to discover Connor’s attraction to the young woman who called herself Melody. He
thought they, the bad vamps, could use her as a bargaining chip with Mr. Thomas
What he didn’t know was that there was a cadre of immortals to protect her from him.
When he tried to take Melody from her home, he was confronted with six immortals who almost tore him apart. He was barely able to limp back to the vamp clan to report his failure. He couldn’t use his supernatural speed because he had been injured that much.
He was lucky that the immortals had not torn him limb from limb and burned his remaining parts.
When he reported his failure to Constantin, it was immediately known that the new Watcher and his woman were very well protected and another plan had to be conceived. The vamps knew that the immortals had the same abilities of speed and hearing, so the immortals were able to know of the evil vamps. And yet again it was to be a back and forth battle to maybe the bitter end.


When Connor finally became the Watcher for the immortals. He and Trizackle flew to Jerusalem so that Connor could study the writings of past and current Watchers.
When they arrived at the Watcher Library, Connor was amazed at how ordinary it
looked. Then he realized it had to look ordinary so as not to attract unwanted attention, especially from the bad vamps.
Trizackle brought him into the building and introduced him to the head librarian who

monitored everyone who entered and made certain no texts or documents were removed from the immortal archives. She was also an immortal, hundreds of years old.
Connor perused the ancient texts and was glad to discover most were written in English with flowing almost calligraphic handwriting.
“I could spend years in here reading and reading of past Watchers.” Connor said to Trizackle.
Trizackle nodded. “Yes you could. But you can’t because of your responsibilities as a Watcher.”
“I understand.” Connor said. “But I still want to learn of your history, lore and maybe myth.”
Trizackle smiled. “You will. I promise you. But it will be a long and a time consuming process or education.”
Connor spent three days and almost three nights in the immortal library or archive. He was so impressed on what he learned that he would only sleep four hours before he needed to study more of the archival records. He even used his limited French and Latin to puzzle his way through even more ancient texts and parchments. He was very careful with these ancient parchments because though they were sealed in an environmentally controlled room they
were still almost brittle to the touch. And of course he wasn’t allowed to drink anything in the tightly sealed and controlled room. And this proved to be especially cumbersome because he was hard pressed to find iced coffee anywhere in Jerusalem. He did find one small café owned by an elderly Arab who served a very strong and harsh iced coffee especially favored by the Arab
community in Jerusalem. It didn’t take him long before he favored this strong iced coffee over the iced coffee he drank in the States.
During their stay in Jerusalem, Connor and Trizackle stayed in a suite of rooms owned by an immortal enclave. In Connor’s room the stack of notes he had accumulated filled a large cardboard box. He spent some of his time in Jerusalem buying more and more pads of paper.
Connor did call Melody on a weekly basis at the home she shared with her grandfather. It was evident to Trizackle that they both missed each other terribly.
Connor had reviewed many of the texts, documents and parchments of Watchers and the strain was starting to show in his eyes because he slept so little. It was then that Trizackle knew they had to leave and go home. It wasn’t difficult to convince Connor of this trip back to the States because he was really missing Melody.
When they arrived at the Portland airport after they took a hopper flight from Logan in Boston, Melody was there to greet them eagerly.
Trizackle didn’t allow Connor and Melody too much time to hug, kiss and otherwise enjoy each others company because he sensed and saw several bad vamps in the airport lounge
discreetly spying on them. He quickly escorted them to Melody’s car after they had retrieved
their luggage. He kept looking back over his shoulder as they left the lounge to Melody’s car.
And even in the car he sat in the back seat, keeping his eyes peeled for any bad vamps that could
be following at their supernatural speed.
He directed Melody to the house that was to be Connor’s for the duration.
Both Connor and Melody gasped at the size of the house that was to be his when he
lived in the immortal enclave. It was the largest house that Connor had ever lived in and larger than any house in the Peoples Village.
“I really don’t need a house this large.” Connor said as Melody pulled into the driveway.
“Yes you do. Believe me.” Trizackle answered.
Trizackle showed them into the house as if they were newly weds looking at their first home. The front door led to a parlor much like Trizackle’s with three walls of shelves for countless books. They entered the living room that was already furnished with furniture as well as a wide screen TV and a stereo system cabinet.
Melody grabbed Connors hand and exclaimed. “This is beautiful!”
Connor could only nod as he held her hand. “Let’s see what other surprises await.”
They went into the kitchen that held every conceivable modern appliance known to modern society. And they both gasped when they went through the kitchen to the dinning room on the right. A long mahogany table dominated the room surrounded by ten chairs.
“You expect us to have royal feasts in this house?” Connor asked.
Trizackle only smiled. “You may be required to host and feed many current Watchers
and their spouses in years to come. And of course, we immortals. It is the Watcher way.”
“When will I meet these other Watchers and other immortals?” Connor had to ask.
“Only when you are ready.” Trizackle said as he led them upstairs to four separate
“Why the need for all the bedrooms?” Connor asked.
“For your future and extended family.”
Melody could only giggle on hearing this.
Connor took Melody’s hand and said. “I think that what Trizackle is saying is that we
are to be married.”
Melody giggled. “I think we should start working on this family soon.” Connor smiled. “Well, we have our choice of bedrooms. That’s for certain.”
Trizackle held up his hand. “First we must go downstairs and talk.”
“Sure.” Connor said.
They walked down the stairs and sat in the living room, with Connor and Melody sitting close to each other on a couch with their arms wrapped around each other and Trizackle sitting opposite of them in a chair. He motioned to the kitchen and told Connor. “I already had that strong and harsh iced coffee made that you liked so much in Jerusalem.”
“Great!” Connor enthused. “But I don’t think Melody would like it.”
Trizackle smiled. “I know she would prefer iced tea.”
“How did you know?” Melody asked.
Trizackle only smiled. “I think you would be surprised of what I know.”
Melody looked Trizackle straight in the eyes and said. “My grandfather believes
everyone here and including you are immortal. Is that true?”
Trizackle nodded and smiled. “You grandfather is a very wise and observant man. And
yes I was chosen to be immortal over two thousand years ago after my first death.
“My grandfather also said that you control the bad vampires who think nothing of killing
mortals like myself and my new love, Connor.”
“Yes. We keep them in check, but unfortunately never checkmate.”
“How do you keep them in check? My grandfather says that these vampires have
supernatural powers like speed, strength and hearing.”
Trizackle smiled. “I will show you, but you must not blink or you may miss it.”
Both Melody and Connor stared at him, forcing their eyes not to blink when Trizackle appeared suddenly, sitting right next to Melody.
Melody gasped. “How did you do that?”
“You must have blinked.”
“I didn’t.” Connor said. “But I never saw you move.”
Trizackle nodded. “Yes. That is the way of immortals and vampires. We move swiftly, have incredible hearing and strength.”
“So you can protect my love, Connor.” Melody said. “As he is the Watcher for you and your kind.”
Trizackle nodded again. “We have already proved that we can.”
“The bad vamps tried to attack and hurt me?” Connor almost cried out.
Trizackle shook his head. “Not you, but your love, Melody.”
“Why Melody?” Connor asked. “Why not me? I am to be your Watcher. I would think they would want me more.”
“The bad vamp, as you call them, is named Valkin and he thought that if he could take Melody, he would have a bargaining chip to use against you.”
“But you stopped him.”
“Yes. Me and several other younger immortals stopped him and these younger immortals would have liked nothing better than to tear him limb from limb and burn this body.
But I stopped them.”
“Why?” Connor had to ask.
“I wanted him to live and report back to the other bad vamps that you are both well protected.”
Trizackle knew that Connor and Melody would like to spend some time alone with each other. He had already made certain that all the essentials Melody would need were placed in the master bedroom bureaus.
When he left Connor and Melody’s home, he sensed and caught a glimpse of Valkin, the vampire that he and the other immortals beat almost unmercifully. But he knew that vampires like immortals healed quickly, very quickly. The only way to truly kill a vampire or immortal was either to separate the head from the body or burn the body to ashes.
Meanwhile Connor and Melody walked up the stairs to the master bedroom. Melody gasped when she found her clothing and other essentials in one bureau. She wondered how the
immortals had done that, then she remembered the speed of Trizackle and knew it would have
been relatively easy for an immortal.
Connor had his suitcase that he brought from Jerusalem, so he was all set.
They were hesitant at first before they stripped each other of their clothes. Then they laid down in the king sized bed and enjoyed each others bodies. An hour later they lay back gasping.
They couldn’t know or even wanted to know that Valkin had watched their entire love
making. But Valkin knew he could do nothing because he sensed and saw Trizackle and several other immortals protecting the mortals inside the house. And he was absolutely certain he didn’t
want another beating from those damn immortals.
He decided he only had to be patient and wait until either of the mortals had no protection from the immortal security. But patience is not in a vampires being and he knew he had to leave so he could nurse his impatience on a mortal that he could feed upon.
He found a mortal in a village near the Peoples Village and jumped him with the intention of draining his blood until he heard and felt the mortals last heartbeat.
He was almost finished when another mortal saw him savaging the neck of a friend he knew and fired a shot gun blast at Valkins body. Valkin rose from the body he was draining and sneered at the man who shot him. He couldn’t attack the shooter with his supernatural speed because he had been that wounded. He could only walk to the man with the shotgun with blood pouring from his side and chest. The interloper backed away, chambering another round into his
shot gun. Valkin knew he would be so incapacitated, he would be dragged into the mortals court of law. And he knew he could not survive that. So he turned and fled into the woods.
As he trotted to the vampire compound, he thought that he should snatch the new immortal Watcher and his woman. He thought to bring them both back where he would drain one and give the other to Constantin, their leader. He thought that this would elevate him in the
eyes of Constantin. And maybe, just maybe he could start his own pack of vampires.
So he turned and as he stealthy approached Connor’s house, he was met by Trizackle
and several other immortals.
Trizackle leaped in front of Valkin with his finger jabbing painfully into Valkins’s chest. “You will leave and not harm the two mortals in that house.” He commanded while pointing to
Connor’s new house. “Or my brothers will be forced to tear you apart and much worse then the last time. Unfortunate for you is all my immortal brothers are less than five hundred years old and don’t have the restraint of my two thousand years.”
Valkin stepped back in fear. “You can’t.” He said.
Trizackle smiled. “They can and they will and I will not stop them. Actually I think I will only do so that we can drop your severely beaten body on the front porch of your leader, Constantin.”
“You can’t know him.” Valkin said. “And if you did, you would know that he doesn’t like being made a fool of and he would retaliate severely.”
Trizackle only laughed. “Good. Then we can finally have that all or nothing final battle, where the winner takes all . Know my brothers will do what they are itching to do to your body.” With that said, Trizackle lifted his right hand and six relatively young immortals suddenly surrounded Valkin. One wrapped a garrote around his throat so he could not scream in anguish.
The rest pummeled, tore and clawed at his body. Almost tearing the limbs from his body. Valkin almost passed out from the pain.
They trussed him like a holiday turkey and sped at supernatural speed to the vampire
compound, where they loudly slammed the body onto the front porch of Constantin. It was loud enough that all the vampires came outside to investigate.
Trizackle ordered his brother immortals to speed back to their enclave so he could confront the vampire leader, Constantin, alone.
Constantin was outside on his porch, flabbergasted as he looked down at the trussed body of Valkin. Then glared and sneered at Trizackle. “It’s not over.” He sneered.
Trizackle turned around and saw he was surrounded by at least a dozen vampires. But he knew his two thousand plus years gave him an advantage over what he knew were child like vampires. He then laughed. “No it’s not. It is only the first shot in the final battle in this war.” He used his supernatural speed to poke Constantin in the eyes then smacked, punched and kicked the other vampires. They were all so unprepared for this sudden burst of supernatural speed and his audacious behavior they were all stunned, unable to react. Which is exactly the reaction Trizackle expected as he almost flew back to the immortal enclave.

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