Cornerstone Traveler

Writing in New Patlz


CT – 202                                                                                                                                               FEB.  5 ‘13


Hi everyone and welcome to another exciting and thought provoking issue of this

bi-weekly newsletter, The CORNERSTONE TRAVELER.  This newsletter is also found online

at the web site

mid-Hudson Valley news:

news: Mother nature has been toying with is in New York and in the mid-Hudson Valley.  December seemed to be average with snowfall and temperatures about where they should be for the month.

The temperature for January was a roller coaster.  The first part of the month was about average.  Then came that cold spell.  The temperatures were bitter for a week.  Then the next week (two weeks ago) the temperatures were almost balmy and tropical.  At least they were if you were a polar bear.  The ski slops, like Hunter, Belleyare and Windham lost a lot of their base through snow melt..  According to Farmers Almanac, January was forecasted to be higher than normal snowfall.  Maybe it was at a small farm tract in upstate New York.

The editors of the Farmers Almanac claim their forecasts of the climate is 85% accurate.  Yeah.  Most likely in areas like the Arctic or Greenland.  Farmers Almanac has predicted this month (February) to be one of the snowiest on record.

Admittedly, I don’t buy the Farmers Almanac.  I just know of their forecasts on what I see by the T.V. weather forecasters.  But in all my years of living here in New York then 26 years in Massachusetts then ten years back here in New York, I have found their accuracy to be less than 10%.

The state of New York gave $500,000 to help with the rebuilding of the environmental sloop, Clearwater.  From what I have discovered is that the hull of the Clearwater has to be totally rebuilt if it is to remain seaworthy.  For those of my readers that don’t know of the Clearwater.  It is a ship that Pete Seeger pushed to be built to focus on the environment of the waters of the Hudson River.

my political commentary:

The House and Senate have finally approved of money to aid those people devastated and wracked by superstorm Sandy.  It was a long and bitter fight of almost three months because Boehner wanted to thwart Obama’s promise to these people that aid would be forthcoming without any red tape.  Unfortunately Boehner provided three months of red tape.

The Republican governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie was criticized by ultra right wing of the Republican party for being so cozy with President Obama when the President went to the shores of New York and New Jersey to view the destruction of superstorm Sandy first hand.  Christie responded to Liombaughs criticisms by saying unlike Limbaugh, he had only been married once and didn’t need drug rehab for pain pill addiction.  I firmly believe that Boehner held up aid to the stricken cities and towns so that he and other ultra right wing Republicans not allow the President to look good in the eyes of the stricken people and others across the country.

Boehner once said it was his job to thwart the President all the time.

It is sad when some people in the Republican party will use the stricken plight of devastated and wracked people to push their agenda and party.

sports: The Knicks are still   games over the Nets in the Atlantic division of the NBA with a record of  – .  The Rangers are still stuck in   place in the    NHL Atlantic division.

other: As with all previous issues of this newsletter, everything written here is either copyright protected or copyright pending.

The history of P&G’s follows this newsletter from 1900 when the building was first constructed to about the mid 1930’s.

Following this history is the first part of a two part short story I wrote about the first civilization that preedated the human animal by thousands of years.  I hope you like it.

Thank-you  – Rik McGuire

The History of P&G’s from the Beginning

Travel back more than a century to the spring of 1900 as builder John H. Hasbrouck and his men construct a 50′ by 28′ building on the site of the current P&G’s Restaurant.  Look around and begin to imagine.

The first floor features a fountain with water softly falling into a cobblestone basin.  The exotic effect is enhanced with darting goldfish and blooming water lilies.  Palms set liberally throughout the room, provide an air of privacy for those seated at the groups of small tables.  Patrons, dressed in their finest, sit chatting, sometimes courting and enjoying the establishments fine refreshments.

The upper story is a promenade, opened to a full view of sunset over the Shawangunk Mountains.  Live music gently eases you from afternoon into evening.  Welcome to the ambiance and hospitality of the Casino.

The Casino’s owner, Mr Steen, had correctly envisioned the areas many tourists, summer boarders and trolley passengers stopping to enjoy the unique features of his establishment.  The terminal station for the trolley line from Highland is located just across Main Street.  It is said that Steen patterned the Casino after the famous Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs.

On June 1, 1900 the Casino was officially opened.  That evening “a large number of people enjoyed the ice cream, music and the lovely mountains views.”  according to the New Paltz Independent newspaper.  Music was provided by a band which included a piano and several other instruments.  The Casino soon became famous for Saturday night dances held on the second floor of the open pavilion.  It was decorated with flowers and vines suspended from the rafters.  The crowds were so large that special late trolley cars were run to accommodate the guests and take the orchestra back to Poughkeepsie.

The electric power shut down at midnight. According to Independent writer Delia Shaw “…the time of closing and the departure of the last trolley (run by electricity) had to be reckoned with, but as was often the case, several folks ‘Missed the Last Trolley’… seems between intermissions the  fellows would walk

their girls down the street where numerous straw thatched summer houses were located on the banks of the Wallkill River and they were so preoccupied with making love by the light of the silvery moon that they forgot everything.”  Shaw continued.  “Saturday Nights In New Paltz Became A Legend!  There was not a single hitching post available, nor an inch of space under any of the sheds of the five local hotels.  The Casino drew people from surrounding towns and they came via hay loads and 4 seated carriages, while some men even walked and carried their dancing shoes.  ‘Little Larry,’ the shoeshine fellow, did a landslide business on Sat. Nights!  As did all the merchants and the stores open ‘til 9 p.m.”

By 1921 the Casino had changed hands and names, becoming the Blue Crane Inn.  Ads of the era read.

The big Night at the Blue Crane In

Dancing Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening

In the Chinese Hall

Good Jazzy Music.

The cornerstone of nightlife in New Paltz continued to thrive.

In 1925, after 28 Years of service, the Highland to New Paltz trolley company folded.  The demise of the trolley business and the affordability of the automobile meant peoples outings were no longer confined to the trolley’s narrow corridor.  They could drive to any village hotel, restaurant, or scenic spot that caught their fancy.  Indeed, New Paltz and the Blue Crane Inn lost their captive audience.  The Inn, however, continued to accommodate people well into the 1930’s.  Other establishments came and went until 1947 when it became Pat and Georges and ultimately was nicknamed the P&G’s that welcomes everybody.


Rocky Mountains October, 2009

Drew Pearson, an archeologist in training for his PhD, was exploring the grounds around an old ancient village in the Rockies near Denver Colorado.  There was something about this village that intrigued Drew.  He didn’t know what it was, but there was something that attracted him to an ancient village that pre-dated the present day by at least five thousand years.  He knew he would find few if any archeological artifacts because the village had been combed by hundreds of archeologists for over fifty years.

He had read everything of what previous archeologists had found and he was attracted to their conclusions that the people who had inhabited the village were years and years ahead of the modern human animal that existed at that time in history.  How?  The archeologists were unsure.  They couldn’t even speculate or guess how the people who inhabited the village those thousands of years ago had advanced beyond the modern human animal of the time.  But they were sure of the advanced technology of the peoples because of the advanced tools and farm implements found in the ancient village.  These tools and implements predated the human animal by maybe five hundred to one thousand years.

Archeologists were puzzled that they found no weapons or war implements of any kind.  So they had to ask how those people survived those many years ago.  And they also asked, where these people had disappeared to.  Much like the Anasazi of the southwest.

Drew knew if he could find a reason for these peoples existence and how and where they


disappeared, he would have a subject for his PhD thesis that he still had not decided upon.  But he thought if he could discover the reason behind the existence of these people, he would have

no problem with his PhD thesis being accepted by the scholars who would judge his dissertation and thesis.  That was his plan as he explored the ancient village.  He had already spent  a week exploring the ancient village.  He was using a federal grant for his studies, so he had the needed money for room and board at a local B&B.  But he knew he had to discover something and soon because his grant account was becoming low in funds.

He had spent days and days exploring every nook and cranny of the ancient village.  But he knew previous archeologists had already examined each and every nook and cranny he explored.  He knew they were all missing something.  He thought the best place to hide was in plain sight.  So, he just wandered the grounds of the ancient village, searching.  He came to a large Oak tree that had an overly large burrel hole in it’s trunk.  He wanted to reach inside the trunk and explore it with his fingers, but was reluctant to do so because he feared he would find a hornets nest with his fingers.  But there was something in the burrel hole of that Oak tree that called to him.  So he breathed deeply as his hand explored the hole in the trunk of the Oak tree.

After a few minutes of exploring the Oak tree, his hand came upon a rolled parchment that he gingerly pulled free.  The rolled parchment was wrapped in a leather covering.

He dared not open the rolled parchment because it was so old and brittle.  He thought to take it to a local university archeology department and use one of the humidors to infiltrate the rolled parchment with enough humidity that it could be unrolled without too much damage.

He knew that he couldn’t mail the parchment to Harvard, where he was completing his


graduate studies, for two reasons.  First) He was unsure of the postal handling of a rolled, fragile

parchment.  Even with the warning: FRAGILE – HANDLE WITH CARE.  Second) He wasn’t

sure he could trust everybody in the Harvard graduate program. He didn’t trust anyone to see the

unrolled parchment before he did.  He was that certain of it’s importance to his studies.

He decided he would take a bus to the University of Colorado in Denver to beg and plead to use their humidor.  He laid the rolled parchment carefully on his bed before he left to celebrate his find at a local tavern that was just down the street from the B&B.  Before he left his room he donned an insulated leather jacket because he noticed earlier that the temperature was dropping.  And he placed a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the outside door knob to his room.

He walked briskly to the tavern because of the chill in the air.  When he got to the tavern and stepped inside, he was pleased to find the tavern was pleasantly warm.  So he removed his jacket and draped it over the back support of the stool at the bar.

After he sat on the stool, he ordered a Jameson Irish Whiskey, neat.  As he sat, sipping his whiskey, he pulled the binder from the shoulder bag that held all his notes of the ancient village.  He hoped that there was something in his many notes of his findings of the village that he wrote and maybe something that he only glanced at and could work on to further his knowledge of the ancient village.

As he sipped his whiskey and read his notes, a man sat on the stool next to his.  Drew heard the man sit and only glanced to the person seated next to him and smile hello.

The bartender asked.  “What would you like sir?”

Drew heard an almost musical sound come from the man.  “Yes.  I’ll have what he is having.”  4.

He said,  pointing to Drew.

“Jameson, neat it is sir.”  The bartender replied.

“Make it a double.”  The stranger said.

“Coming right up.”

Drew had to see the man who ordered the same drink as himself, and a double.  He saw that the stranger was extremely tall.  He knew this even from the man sitting on the stool.  The mans knees almost touched the underside of the bar as he sat, so Drew knew he was too large for the stool.  He estimated the stranger stood at least a foot over his 5’6″ frame.  And the tone of the mans skin was bronze, almost golden.  Drew didn’t know what to make of this man and just went back to studying his notes.  He estimated the man’s age to be in the mid thirties.

After a few minutes the man nudged Drew’s arm.  “I have seen you exploring that ancient village up the mountain.  Can I ask what you are looking for?  Treasure?”

Drew turned to face the man.  “Treasure?  Yes.  Treasure of the mind.  I am trying to learn of the people who inhabited that village over five thousand years ago.”

“Why?”  The stranger asked.

“I am a graduate student at Harvard and I thought to write my thesis on the ancient peoples who lived there then disappeared.  I am trying to get my PhD in archeology.”

“Perhaps I can help you.”

“How?”  Drew asked.  “You know  of that ancient village that archaeologists have been studying  for over fifty years?”

“Maybe.”  The stranger said.


“Again.  How?”

The man smiled.  “I and many of my friends and family have studied that ancient village

for many, many years”

“Your family and friends?”

“My friends and I have been searching for evidence that the Nephlilim settled there.  You know of the Nephilim?”

“Of course!”  Drew said.  “Every archeology student has learned of the Nephilim in their first year of studies as an undergraduate.  Are you trying to tell me you searched for the Nephilim?  Considered the First Civilization of modern man?”

“Yes I am.”

Drew didn’t know how to respond.  To meet a man who searched for the Nephilim beings that pre-dated human beings was almost unheard of.  “Why are you interested in the Nephilim who are mentioned just once in Genesis?”

“Because I saw your curiosity and I somehow know you seek what we of my clan seek in regards to the people who once lived there in the village.”

“You wish to share with me what you have learned?  Why?”  Drew had to ask.

“I saw how you explored that ancient village, but you didn’t disturb anything as you searched.  Unlike the previous archeologists who would grab, turn over and otherwise disturb the  grounds, but you didn’t.  And I was impressed with your exploration techniques.”

Drew didn’t know what to say, but.  “My name is Drew Pearson and your name?”

“Calederille, but you can call me Cal.”


“How much more do you know of me?”  Drew asked.

Cal just nodded.  “I read your article in an archeological review of how you believe that

too many people are looking at the winter solstice of 2012 as the apocalypse and that you

stressed it was to be the dawn of a new age of man.  And that many of your fellow archeologists

and theologians did not accept your analysis of the 2012 winter solstice.  And I am here to tell you, you’re essentially correct with most of your assumptions of this new dawn of mankind.”

“Where was I correct in my assumptions?”  Drew asked.

“Only that it will be a new dawn of  civilization.”  The strange man, Cal explained.

Drew only shook his head.  “Again.  You know this, how?”

Cal only smiled.  “Because we believe that God will initiate this new dawn.”

Drew could only shake his head.  “And you know this, how?”

Cal looked up and pointed to the ceiling of the bar.  “God.”

“God?”  Drew asked.  “You know I am essentially an agnostic.  In that I don’t know what to believe.  It seems to me that everyone thinks they know the mind of God.  But I insist it is impossible to know the mind of God.”  Drew paused to sip his drink.  “I would guess that is the reason I became attracted to the sciences.  And archeology fascinates me.  I just need to know the early history of mankind and the earth.”

Cal only smiled.  “Remember what Einstein said.  Religion without science is ignorant and science without religion is lame.”

Drew could only laugh.  “Ain’t that the truth.  I don’t reject religion.  I just reject everyones thinking that what other religions believe is wrong.  I don’t accept the mind set that how they believe


is superior to everyone else.”

I gather you want to learn more from us regarding the Nephilim?”

“If the Nephilim are in any way related to the ancient peoples of this village, then yes.”  Drew answered.

Cal nodded.  “I will talk to my people and see if we want to aid you in your research.”

Cal stood and held out his hand to Drew.  Drew stood and shook Cal’s hand.  Drew saw that he was correct in his estimate of Cals height.  He definitely stood at least a foot over Drews diminutive frame.

Two hours later.

Cal entered the home of Jarin, the community leader of the Nephilim.  The Nephilim community had many families, though they lived in separate houses many miles from each other. As this was the best way to hide themselves from mankind.  They had been keeping themselves hidden for thousands of years and were quite adept at it.  They really didn’t want anyone to know of their existence.  But they were starting to wonder if they should reveal themselves before God’s judgement of mankind.   The intentions of God were not revealed to them and thus they were almost as in the dark as the human animal.  But they were certain that humans had almost severed their ties with God because of their greed.  And they thought it might be time to reveal God’s anger at mans greed

When Cal entered Jarin’s home he saw ten other people of the Nephilim clan.  He waved and smiled at them.


“What did you learn of that young man we have seen exploring our ancient village?”

Jarin asked Cal in their ancient language that predated Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew and the other

ancient languages of early man.

“He is very passionate on learning of us before the modern human.  That is the reason he

is so delicate with everything he finds and explores.”

“Anything else?”  Jarin asked.

Cal had seated himself on an over large stool when he entered Jarin’s home.  He stood before he answered Jarin.  “I think it would be wise if we introduce him to our existence.”

“Can we trust him not to reveal ourselves to anyone?”  Another in the group asked.

Cal nodded.  “Yes.  I think we can trust him not to reveal ourselves to the outside world unless we allow it.”

“You trust him that much, Cal?”  His wife of fifty years, Lorileagh, asked.

“Yes.  I think we can.  But maybe it would be better if we invite him to meet with us before we reveal our true identities.”

It was Jarin who stood up next.  “We could invite him to my home and we will talk to him then decide if he should know of us.  Would that be satisfactory, Cal?”

“Yes.  I think it would.  I am pretty certain you will all be impressed with his knowledge, attitude and his respect for our hidden existence.”  Cal explained to the Nephilim clan gathered.

The next night at the Rocky Mountain Bar and Grill


Cal saw Drew sitting at the same bar stool he had seen him the previous night when they first talked.

Drew saw Cal when he entered the bar and motioned him to sit on the stool next to him.

“Anything new to report?”  He asked.

Cal nodded.  “My people would like very much to meet with you, if you are willing.”

“Willing?”  Drew almost shouted, but whispered.   “To meet the people who are as interested in the Nephilim as I am?  I am most curious to talk to your people.”

“You can meet with us, but you must promise to never write about our existence and what we teach you.”  Cal whispered.  “I know it will be tough not to write about our existence.  But you must promise to never write what you learn.”  Cal stressed.

“Count on it.”  Drew promised.  “I just want to know about what you have learned and what you can teach me.  And it might  be far more than the professors at Harvard can teach me.  I want to learn from you and only for my own knowledge.”  Drew finished, almost gasping.

“Then it can be arranged.”  Cal said.  “But only on our time.”

“That’s a given.”  Drew said.

“Our leader, Jarin, will determine when it’s best for you to meet and learn from our community.”

“I can hardly wait.”  Drew said excitedly.

“But wait, you must.”  Cal said.  “Because the first meeting will be entirely up to Jarin.”

Drew nodded.  “I’ll wait.  What else can I do?  But my grant money is getting low and I don’t have much to continue to live here for too much longer.”


“It won’t be too long, trust us.  We have the financial means to keep you as you wait for

Jarin’s final decision.”

Drew took out his checkbook, scanned the check register and did some mental

calculations.  He closed his checkbook, looked to Cal.  “I have a week, maybe two weeks left of

my grant money and only  if I skimp and save.”

Cal reached under his tunic and pulled out a roll of bills.  He handed Drew five one hundred dollar bills.  “Will this help you financially?”

Drew was wide eyed when he took the offered cash.  “I accept, but I don’t know when I can pay you back.”

Cal waved his hand.  “Don’t worry about it.  Just consider it a grant from my people for your research project.”

“This will definitely help.  And I will spend it wisely.  Trust me.”

“I will contact you when Jarin feels it appropriate for you to meet with us.”  Cal explained as he left the bar.

Three days later

Cal picked up Drew at the B&B with a new Jeep Wrangler.  Drew was impressed with the transportation.

“You’re taking me to Jarin to meet with your people?”  Drew asked.

Cal nodded.  “Yes.  Jarin must know if you can be trusted not to reveal our existence


until we feel it is time.”

“I am looking forward to meeting with your people.”  Drew said as Cal drove the


“You will meet them shortly.”  Cal said as he negotiated a right turn.  He came to a stop

in front of Jarins house.

The meeting with the ancient Nephilim

Drew followed Cal into Jarin’s house not knowing what to expect .  He was that nervous of the meeting the people who were as interested as he was of the Nephilim.  After he followed Cal through the front door, he saw that everyone stood, as if expecting to meet him, which he knew they were.  He saw they were all as tall as Cal in stature.

Cal motioned for him to sit on a stool that appeared to be there just for his relatively small size.  He did as Cal asked and waited.

It wasn’t a long wait before one man stood and explained.  “My name is Jarin and I am the leader of our clan.  Calederille tells me you are interested in knowing about the Nephilim.  But you must never reveal ourselves to anyone without our permission.”

Drew looked up to Jarin.  “I will not reveal anything about your people unless you allow it.”

“And you want to know of the Nephilim, why?”

Drew sat back on his stool and thought.  “I guess because I studied that emperor,


Charlagmane who insisted there was a First Civilization before mankind and I want to know

how he knew this.  Other than what was written in the Old Testament of the Bible in Genesis.”

Jarin nodded.  “That Emperor, Charlagmane knew of Nephilim because we introduced

ourselves to him.  We knew that if we introduced ourselves to Charlagmane, he would

introduce a new society in what is now Europe.”

“And you are the Nephilim?   Charlagmane did meet with the you?”  Drew asked, astounded

“Yes.  Of course.”  Jarin said.  “But not with anyone here.  Because though we may have relatively long life spans, we are not immortal.  It was those of us many generations before we lived.”

Drew had to ask.  “If you have long life spans, how long is your typical life?”

Jarin shook his head.  “That’s not important for you to know.  It is only important that you  and you alone know that we, the Nephilim exist.  We don’t want to be revealed.  Do you understand?”

Drew nodded.  “You’re secret is safe with me.  Count on it.”

“Good.”  Jarin said.  “Now what do you wish to learn from us?”

Drew could only sit back on his stool and think then he asked.  “What can you tell me what you taught Charlagmane?”

It was Lorileagh’s turn to speak and she explained.  “We taught him the value of the arts and sciences.”

“And that was it?”  Drew asked.


“No.”  Cal spoke.  “He learned that peoples value is not based on their wealth, but rather

what they can accomplish.  Both as laborers and artists.  Thus came the Italian Renaissance of

art with the works of Botticelli, DaVinci, Michelangelo and a host of other artists, most notably

from the De Medici family in Florence, Italy.”

“But the De Medici were known as hard core money hoarders.”  Drew said.

Cal nodded.  “Yes.  A few generations after Cosimo and Lorenzo De Medici lived.  Lorenzo De Medici was essentially murdered by a bishop of Rome because the bishop feared his popularity among those in Florence.  And this bishop thought he could control Florence with Lorenzo gone.”

“Did this bishop succeed?”  Drew asked.

“Hardly.”  Cal said.  “He was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church by Pope Alexander II.”

“What else have you accomplished with your direction of we humans?”

Jarin shook his head.  “Since Carlemagne, we have only been observers of the human condition.”

“Are you not human?”

“Of course!  But only more advanced in our thinking.”  Jarin explained.

“So, what’s next?”  Drew asked not only of Jarin, but all the Nephilim present.

“We wait for God’s judgement that’s not the winter solstice of 2012.  Then we may reveal ourselves and only if God wills it.”

“I can hardly wait.”  Drew said with anticipation.  “The days after this event should be


very interesting.  Not only to me as an archeologist, but to the whole world.”

“It will definitely be an awaking for the modern human.”  Jarin explained.

“Are you not modern human?”  Drew asked.

“Ultra modern.”  Was Jarin’s explanation.

“Where did your people disappear?”  Drew asked.  “Or was it like those native

peoples, the Anasazi of the southwest, who disappeared and no one knows where they went?

“We found the Anasazi to be very interested in knowing of us and we intermarried with them.  Thus you are looking at the descendants of the Anasazi.  At least to some degree.”  Jarin explained almost professorially.”

“You intermarried with the ancient Hebrew people.  At least that is what is written in Genesis of the Old Testament.”  Drew said.

Jarin nodded.  “Yes.  You are correct.  Our people wandered the earth and intermarried with many peoples.  According to what we here have learned, our people intermarried with people not only here in North America, but also South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and even in Australia.

Drew stood up, stretched his arms over his head.  “Man.  Do you people get around,”

Jarin noticed that Drew was tiring and asked.  “Do you need Calederille to take you back?  So you can rest?

“Just one more question.”


“There has been a great deal of research by archeologists in the area of Gibraltar on


Spain’s southern coast.  It is believed that was the area of Atlantis.  Are your people from this

legendary land?”

Jarin just nodded.  “Yes.”

“But you left Atlantis.”  Drew said.

“No.  We didn’t leave our country.  We are just born explorers.”

“But that area of land was flooded by a tsunami.  At least that is the conclusions of fellow archeologists.”

“Unfortunately these archaeologists are correct in their assessments.  But many of our people sailed around the world to explore.  And that is how we still exist.”  Jarin taught.  “And it may have been the will of God for us to explore and still exist.”

“Did this devastation of your homeland bother you?”  Drew asked.

Lorileagh stood and shook her head.  “It happened many generations and years before we came to be.  Thus we can only wonder and guess of our ancient homeland and what it could have been if it still existed today.  We can only suppose it was God’s will for our homeland to no longer exist.  But God let the explorers from our homeland to continue to exist and observe the human animal.”

Jarin spoke next.  “Is there anything else you would like to learn before Calederille takes you back?”

Drew looked over Jarin’s people.  “I found a rolled parchment in a very old Oak tree.  Was this your creation?”

“Probably so.”  Jarin said, “What do you plan on doing with the parchment?”


“I plan on taking it to the University of Colorado in Denver and hope their archeology

department has a humidor that I can use to infiltrate the parchment enough that I will be able to

unroll it without too much damage.  Then read what it will reveal.”  Drew explained.

Jarin laughed.  “You won’t be able to read anything on that parchment.  Believe me.”

“Why not?”  Drew asked.  “I am fluent in most of the ancient languages on earth and

even ancient runes and hieroglyphics.”

“It is written in a language never seen by modern man.  Believe me.”  Jarin explained.

“But you will be able to read it?”  Drew asked hopefully.

“Of course.”  Jarin replied.

“Okay after I have used the humidor and bring it back here to you.  You can tell me what is written on the parchment?”

“Yes.”  Jarin said emphatically.

“Great.”  Drew said.  “I’ll take a bus to the university in Denver to plead to use one of their humidors.  If they let me, I will bring it back for you to read.  It could take two or three days for this process.”

“We can wait.  We have learned patience through our many years of existence.”  Cal said.   “But I caution you not to let anyone else see this parchment for they will be too curious about what is written there and you may not get it back.”  Cal explained.

Drew nodded.  “I’ll take your advice and not unroll it until I meet with all of you in about three days.”

Cal drove Drew back to the B&B.

To be contined.

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